Personal Information

Lyubomir Stoyanov, Head Assistant Professor, Ph.D

Department of Quantum electronics, Faculty of Physics, Sofia University

Address: 5 James Bourchier Blvd., 1164 Sofia, Bulgaria

Phone: (+3592) 8161 798

E-mail: l.stoyanov(at)






A – Publications in Scientific Journals with Impact Factor (21)

B – Publications in Proceedings of SPIE (6)

C – Publications in Journals with Peer Review Process (4)

D – Conference Contributions (48)

E – Awards and Scholarships (4)


206 citations without self-citations (SCOPUS, last update 31.01.2025), h-index - 8






1.               L. I. Stoyanov, Y. Zhang, A. Dreischuh, G. G. Paulus, “Controllable beam break-up, spectral broadening and coherent beam recombination using arrays of singular beams” Opt. Express 32, 48758-48771 (2024).

2.               L. Stoyanov, N. Gorunski, M. Mincheva, P. Drenkov, E. Lazarov, A. Dreischuh, “Experimental verification of the Gouy phase for higher-order Hermite-Gaussian beams”  Comptes rendus de l’Academie bulgare des Sciences, vol. 77, 1138-1145 (2024).

3.               L. Stoyanov, N. Dimitrov, F. Wiesner, M. Fedoruk, G. G. Paulus, A. Dreischuh, “Wavelength-tolerant generation of Bessel-Gaussian beams using vortex phase plates” Applied Optics 63(21) pp. 5699-5705 (2024).

4.               L. Stoyanov, S. Topuzoski, G. G. Paulus, A. Dreischuh “Optical vortices in brief: Introduction for experimentalists” Eur. Phys. J. Plus 138, 702 (2023). Invited review paper.

5.               L. Stoyanov, A. Stefanov, A. Dreischuh, and G. G. Paulus “Gouy phase of Bessel-Gaussian beams: theory vs. experiment,” Opt. Express 31, 13683-13699 (2023).

6.               L. Stoyanov, G. Maleshkov, I. Stefanov, G. G. Paulus and A. Dreischuh “Focal beam structuring by triple mixing of optical vortex lattices” Opt. Quant. Electron. 54, 34 (2022). 

7.               R. Camacho-Morales, D. Rocco, L. Xu, V. F. Gili, N. Dimitrov, L. Stoyanov, Z. Ma, A. Komar, M. Lysevych, F. Karouta, A. Dreischuh, H. H. Tan, G. Leo, C. De Angelis, C. Jagadish, A. E. Miroshnichenko, M. Rahmani, Dragomir N. Neshev, “Infrared upconversion imaging in nonlinear metasurfaces,” Advanced Photonics, vol. 3 (3) pp. 36002-10 (2021).

8.               L. Stoyanov, Y. Zhang, A. Dreischuh, Gerhard G. Paulus, “Long-range quasi-non-diffracting Gauss-Bessel beams in a few-cycle laser field,” Optics Express, vol. 29 (7), pp. 10997-11008 (2021).  

9.               L. Stoyanov, M. Zhekova, A. Stefanov, B. Ivanov, I. Stefanov, G. G. Paulus, A. Dreischuh, “Generation of long-range low-divergent Gauss-Bessel beams by annihilating optical vortices” Optics Communications, vol. 480, 126510 (2021).

10.            L. Stoyanov, M. Zhekova, A. Stefanov, I. Stefanov, G. G. Paulus, A. Dreischuh, “Zeroth- and first-order long range non-diffracting Gauss-Bessel beams generated by annihilating multiple-charged optical vortices,” Scientific Reports 10, Article #21981 (2020).

11.           M. Zhekova, G. Maleshkov, L. Stoyanov, I. Stefanov, G. G. Paulus and A. Dreischuh, “Formation of multi-spot focal arrays by square-shaped optical vortex lattices,” Optics Communications, vol. 449, pp. 110-116 (2019).

12.            Lj. Janicijevic, S. Topuzoski, L. Stoyanov, A. Dreischuh, “Fraunhofer diffraction of a Gaussian beam by a four-sector binary grating with a half period fringes shift between adjacent sectors” Optical and Quantum Electronics vol. 51: 71 (2019).

13.            L. Stoyanov, G. Maleshkov, M. Zhekova, I. Stefanov, G. G. Paulus and A. Dreischuh “Controllable beam reshaping by mixing square-shaped and hexagonal optical vortex lattices,” Scientific Reports 9, Article # 2128 (2019).

14.            S. Topuzoski, Lj. Janicijevic, L. Stoyanov, I. Stefanov, A. Dreischuh, “Five-vortex spot patterns generated by diffraction of azimuthally X-shaped beam from a fork-shaped grating” Optics Communications, 428, pp. 206-215 (2018).

15.            L. Stoyanov, G. Maleshkov, M. Zhekova, I. Stefanov, G. G. Paulus and A. Dreischuh “Far-field pattern formation by manipulating the topological charges of hexagonal optical vortex lattices,” Journal of Optics 20, 095601 (2018).

16.            L. Stoyanov, G. Maleshkov, M. Zhekova, I. Stefanov, D. N. Neshev, G. G. Paulus and A. Dreischuh “Far-field pattern formation by manipulating the topological charges of square-shaped optical vortex lattices,” J. Opt. Soc. Am B 35, 402-409 (2018).

17.            L. Stoyanov, N. Dimitrov, I. Stefanov, D. N. Neshev, and A. Dreischuh, "Optical waveguiding by necklace and azimuthon beams in nonlinear media," J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 34, 801-807 (2017).

18.            Lj. Janicijevic, S. Topuzoski, L. Stoyanov, A. Dreischuh, “Diffraction of a Gaussian beam by a four-sector binary grating with a shift between adjacent sectors,” Optics Communications, vol. 389, pp. 203-211 (2017).

19.            N. Dimitrov, L. Stoyanov, I. Stefanov, A. Dreischuh, P. Hansinger, and G. G. Paulus, „Pulse front tilt measurement of femtosecond laser pulses” Optics Communications, vol. 371, pp. 51-58 (2016).

20.            L. Stoyanov, S. Topuzoski, I. Stefanov, L. Janicijevic, A. Dreischuh, „Far field diffraction of an optical vortex beam by a fork-shaped grating,” Optics Communications, vol. 350, pp. 301-308 (2015)

21.            L. Stoyanov, G. Maleshkov, I. Stefanov, and A. Dreischuh, „Initiating self-focusing of beams carrying spatial phase singularities,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, vol. 31, pp. 1159-1164 (2014).




1.               M. C. Morales, D. Rocco, L. Xu, M. Rahmani, V. F. Gili, A. Komar, N. Dimitrov, L. Stoyanov, M. Lysevych, F. Karouta, A. Dreischuh, H. Hoe Tan, G. Leo, C. De Angelis, C. Jagadish, A. E. Miroshnichenko, and D N. Neshev “Infrared imaging in nonlinear GaAs metasurfaces”, Proc. SPIE 11201, SPIE Micro + Nano Materials, Devices, and Applications 2019, 112011S (31 December 2019);

2.               L. Stoyanov, G. Maleshkov, M. Zhekova, I. Stefanov, G. G. Paulus and A. Dreischuh,  “Multi-spot focal pattern formation and beam reshaping by mixing square-shaped and hexagonal vortex lattices” Proc. SPIE 11332, International Conference on Quantum, Nonlinear, and Nanophotonics 2019 (ICQNN 2019), 113320J (30 December 2019);

3.               L. Stoyanov, N. Gorunski, M. Zhekova, I. Stefanov, A. Dreischuh, “Vortex interactions revisited: Formation of stable elementary cells for creation of rigid vortex lattices” Proc. SPIE 11047, 20th International Conference and School on Quantum Electronics: Laser Physics and Applications, 110471D (29 January 2019);

4.               N. Dimitrov, P. Lazarova, L. Stoyanov; I. Stefanov, A. Dreischuh, “Dispersion control in a folded 4-f system for shaping femtosecond laser pulses”. Proc. SPIE 10226, 19th International Conference and School on Quantum Electronics: Laser Physics and Applications, 102261D (2017).

5.               N. Dimitrov, L. Stoyanov, I. Stefanov, A. Dreischuh, P. Hansinger, and G. G. Paulus, „Evaluation of pulse front tilt measurement of femtosecond laser pulses,” Proc. of SPIE vol. 9447, Art. # 94471E (2015).

6.               G. Maleshkov, L. Stojanov, I. Stefanov, A. Dreischuh, „Controllable bright beam self-focusing initiated by singular dark beams,” Proc. of SPIE vol. 8770, Art. # 87701H (2013).




1.               L. Stoyanov, G. Maleshkov, M. Zhekova, S. Topuzoski, I. Stefanov, G. G. Paulus, A. Dreischuh, “Manipulation of the topological charges of optical vortices: Recent results,” Annuaire de l’Universitι de Sofia “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Facultι de Physique, (2019).

2.               S. Topuzoski, Lj. Janicijevic, L. Stoyanov and A. Dreischuh “Transformation of HG(1,0) and HG(1,1) modes into beams with multiple vortices by the fork-shaped grating” Society of Physicists of Macedonia (2019).

3.               N. Dimitrov, L. Stoyanov, I. Stefanov, I. P. Christov, A. Dreischuh, “Generation of high harmonics of coherent radiation in the extreme ultraviolet spectral range in the low-intensity regime,” Bulg. J. of Physics, vol. 44, pp. 99-108 (2017).

4.               N. Dimitrov, L. Stoyanov, I. Stefanov, A. Dreischuh, P. Hansinger, and G. G. Paulus, “Measuring the relation between pulse front tilt angle and beam size for ultrashort pulses”, Bulg. J. Phys., vol. 43, pp. 21-29 (2016).



Legend: Underline – presenting author

1.               L. Stoyanov, A Dreischuh, G. G. Paulus, “Coherent beam recombination of split and spectrally broadened femtosecond beams/pulses: Singular optics approach” 5th international Conference on Optics, Photonics, and Lasers (OPL-2024) 25-27 Nov 2024, Valencia, Spain (Invited talk).

2.               L. Stoyanov, G. G. Paulus, A Dreischuh, “Demonstration of experimental coherent beam recombination after controllable beam break-up and spectral broad-ening of high-energy femtosecond pulses by using vortex arrays” 4th National Congress of Physical Sciences, 07-09 Oct. 2024, Sofia, Bulgaria (Invited talk).

3.               L. Stoyanov, N. Dimitrov, G. G. Paulus, A Dreischuh, “Beam Shaping of Few-Cycle Laser Pulses” Humboldt Kolleg – Human and artificial intelligence in science and society, Sofia, September 12-15, 2024 (Invited talk).

4.               E. Lazarov, L. Stoyanov, M. Mincheva, P. Drenkov, N. Gorunski1, A. Dreischuh “Gouy Phase of Vortex Necklace and Annihilated Vortex Beams” Twenty Third International Conference and School on Quantum Electronics: "Laser Physics and Applications" (23rd ICSQE 2024), 23-27 September 2024, Ravda, Bulgaria (Poster presentation, Poster P.E11.

5.               P. Drenkov, E. Lazarov, M. Mincheva, L. Stoyanov, A. Dreischuh, “Gouy Phase Determination of Different Laser Modes Using Single-Lens Interferometer Techniques” Conference on Advanced Topics in Photonics (СATР‘2024), 15-17 July 2024, Sofia, Bulgaria (Poster presentation, Poster P3

6.               L. Stoyanov, G. G. Paulus, A Dreischuh, “Second Harmonic Generation by Bessel-Gaussian Beams” Conference on Advanced Topics in Photonics (СATР‘2024), 15-17 July 2024, Sofia, Bulgaria (Poster presentation, Poster P2).

7.               M. Mincheva, P. Drenkov, E. Lazarov, N. Gorunski, L. Stoyanov, A. Dreischuh, “Experimental Determination of the Gouy Phase of Even Hermite-Gaussian Laser Modes” Conference on Advanced Topics in Photonics (СATР‘2024), 15-17 July 2024, Sofia, Bulgaria (Poster presentation, Poster P3).

8.               P. Drenkov, E. Lazarov, M. Mincheva, L. Stoyanov, A. Dreischuh, “Gouy Phase Determination of Different Laser Modes Using Single-Lens Interferometer Techniques” Conference on Advanced Topics in Photonics (СATР‘2024), 15-17 July 2024, Sofia, Bulgaria (Poster presentation, Poster P3).

9.               E. Lazarov, P. Drenkov, M. Mincheva, L. Stoyanov, A. Dreischuh, “Annihilation of Low-Charged Optical Vortex Beam and Studying of Their Gouy Phase” Conference on Advanced Topics in Photonics (СATР‘2024), 15-17 July 2024, Sofia, Bulgaria (Poster presentation, Poster P7).

10.            L. Stoyanov, G. G. Paulus, A. Dreischuh “Second Harmonic Generation by Bessel-Gaussian Beams Revisited,” PIERS 2023 Photonics & Electromagnetics Research Symposium, July 3–6, 2023 Prague, Czech Republic, session 4P2 Optical Fiber, Laser, Sensors, Nano-optics and Others, (Oral presentation).

11.            L. Stoyanov, A. Stefanov, A. Dreischuh, and G. G. Paulus “Determination of the Gouy Phase of Bessel-Gaussian,” PIERS 2023 Photonics & Electromagnetics Research Symposium, July 3–6, 2023 Prague, Czech Republic, Session 3A13 Poster Session 4, (Poster 18).

12.            L. Stoyanov, A. Dreischuh, and G. G. Paulus “Coherent beam recombination of intense femtosecond beams/pulses after controllable beam break-up and spectral broadening by using optical vortex lattices” DPG-Frόhjahrstagung 2023 (DPG Spring Meeting 2023) 5 – 10 March 2023 Leibniz Universitδt Hannover (Poster Q.7.18);

13.            L. Stoyanov, A. Dreischuh, and G. G. Paulus “Controllable femtosecond beam splitting and coherent beam recombination using arrays of singular beams” XXII International Conference and School on Quantum Electronics: “Laser Physics and Applications” 19 - 23 September 2022, Virtual Forum, Bulgaria, (Poster P.E6);

14.            L. Stoyanov, I. Stefanov, N. Dimitrov, M. Thoma, G. G. Paulus and A. Dreischuh “Generation and characterization of long-range (quasi-)nondiffracting Gauss-Bessel beams” XXII International Conference and School on Quantum Electronics: “Laser Physics and Applications” 19 - 23 September 2022, Virtual Forum, Bulgaria, (Invited lecture IL.E2);

15.            N. Dimitrov, L. Stoyanov, I. Stefanov, A. Dreischuh and G. G. Paulus “Generation of Gauss-Bessel beams in a wide spectral range by using single vortex phase plate” XXII International Conference and School on Quantum Electronics: “Laser Physics and Applications” 19 - 23 September 2022, Virtual Forum, Bulgaria, (Poster P.E5);

16.            L. Stoyanov, N. Dimitrov, A. Dreischuh, G. G. Paulus “Wavelength-tolerant generation of long-range Gauss-Bessel beams by using spiral phase plates” International Conference of Quantum, Nonlinear and Nanophotonics’2022 Germany, Jena, 05 - 09 September 2022 (Oral presentation);

17.            L. Stoyanov, A. Dreischuh, G. G. Paulus “Experimental demonstration of coherent beam recombination after controllable beam break-up and filamentation by using optical vortex lattices” BPU11 Congress, 28 Aug. 2022 - 1 Sep. 2022, poster presentation (S07-OP-208);

18.            L. Stoyanov, A. Stefanov, A. Dreischuh, G. G. Paulus “The Gouy phase of long-range Gauss-Bessel beams” BPU11 Congress, 28 Aug. 2022 - 1 Sep. 2022, Oral presentation (S07-OP-100);

19.            N. Dimitrov, L. Stoyanov, I. Stefanov, A. Dreischuh, G. G. Paulus “Generation Gauss-Bessel beams with vortex phase plates at formally inadequate wavelengths” BPU11 Congress, 28 Aug. 2022 - 1 Sep. 2022, poster presentation (S07-OP-201)

20.            L. Stoyanov, M. Zhekova, A. Stefanov, I. Stefanov, Y. Zhang, G. G. Paulus, A. Dreischuh, “Zeroth- and first-order Long-range Gauss-Bessel beams in cw and in few-cycle laser fields” 3th Conference of the Society of Physicists of Macedonia - CSPM 2020 16 - 19 September 2021, Virtual meeting (Contributed Talk);

21.            L. Stoyanov, Y. Zhang, A. Dreischuh, G. G. Paulus, “Ultrashort quasi-non-diffracting long-range Gauss-Bessel beams,” VIII International School and Conference on Photonics, PHOTONICA 2021 23 - 27 August 2021, Belgrade, Serbia (Contributed Talk);

22.            L. Stoyanov, G. Maleshkov, B. Ivanov, I. Stefanov, G. G. Paulus, A. Dreischuh, “Triple Mixing Of Optical Vortex Lattices For Structuring Of Focused Beams,” XXI International Conference and School on Quantum Electronics - Laser Physics And Applications, 21-24 September 2020 Virtual Forum, Bulgaria, (Poster P.E5).

23.            L. Stoyanov, G. Maleshkov, N. Gorunski, I. Stefanov, G. G. Paulus, A. Dreischuh “Convolution Theorem Revisited: Triple Mixing Of Square Optical Vortex Arrays,” XXI International Conference and School on Quantum Electronics - Laser Physics And Applications, 21-24 September 2020 Virtual Forum, Bulgaria, (Poster P.E12).

24.            M. Zhekova, L. Stoyanov, A. Dreischuh, “Gauss-Bessel beam formation via annihilating optical vortices”, 7th International Symposium Optics & its Applications, September 20-24, 2019, Yerevan-Ashtarak, Armenia.

25.            L. Stoyanov, G. Maleshkov, M. Zhekova, I. Stefanov1, G. G. Paulus, A. Dreischuh, “Multi-Spot Focal Pattern Formation and Beam Reshaping by Mixing Square-Shaped and Hexagonal Vortex Lattices”, International Conference of Quantum, Nonlinear and Nanophotonics, 02.–04. September 2019 Sofia, Bulgaria (Poster Presentation).

26.            L. I. Stoyanov, I. L. Stefanov, G. B. Hadjichristov, “Optical Response of Nano-Clustered Carbonic Material Formed in Transparent Hydrocarbon Polymer by Ion-Implantation”, International Conference of Quantum, Nonlinear and Nanophotonics, 02.–04. September 2019 Sofia, Bulgaria (Poster Presentation).

27.            M. Zhekova, L. Stoyanov, I. Stefanov, G. G. Paulus, A. Dreischuh “Gauss-Bessel Beam Formation Using Annihilation and Modification of Optical Vortices” International Conference of Quantum, Nonlinear and Nanophotonics, 02.–04. September 2019 Sofia, Bulgaria (Poster Presentation).

28.            L. Stoyanov, M. Zhekova, A. Stefanov, I. Stefanov, G. G. Paulus, A. Dreischuh, “Generation of zeroth- and first-order long range nondiffracting Gauss-Bessel beams by annihilating multiple-charged optical vortice” VII International School and Conference on Photonics PHOTONICA 2019 26 - 30 August 2019, Belgrade, Serbia (Poster Presentation);

29.            L. Stoyanov, G. Maleshkov, M. Zhekova, I. Stefanov, G. G. Paulus, and A. Dreischuh “Far-field beam manipulating by mixing square-shaped and hexagonal optical vortex lattices” 20th International Conference and School on Quantum Electronics: Laser Physics and Applications, Sept. 17-21, 2018, Nessebar, Bulgaria, (Poster PE13).

30.            L. Stoyanov, G. Maleshkov, M. Zhekova, I. Stefanov, G. G. Paulus, and A. Dreischuh, “Far-field pattern formation by manipulating the topological charges of hexagonal optical vortex lattices” 20th International Conference and School on Quantum Electronics: Laser Physics and Applications, Sept. 17-21, 2018, Nessebar, Bulgaria (Poster PE16).

31.            M. Zhekova, L. Stoyanov, G. Maleshkov, I. Stefanov, G. G. Paulus, and A. Dreischuh, “Bessel-like beam formation by annihilating the topological charges of optical vortices” 20th International Conference and School on Quantum Electronics: Laser Physics and Applications, Sept. 17-21, 2018, Nessebar, Bulgaria (Poster PE15).

32.            L. Stoyanov, G. Maleshkov, M. Zhekova, I. Stefanov, G. G. Paulus, and A. Dreischuh, “Far-field beam reshaping of square and hexagonal optical vortex lattices by a second identical lattice” 10th Jubilee Conference of the Balkan Physical Union, Aug. 26-30, 2018, Sofia, Bulgaria (Poster P07-5).

33.            L. Stoyanov, N. Gorunski, I. Stefanov, and A. Dreischuh, “Formation of stable elementary cells of rigid optical vortex lattices” 10th Jubilee Conference of the Balkan Physical Union, Aug. 26-30, 2018, Sofia, Bulgaria (Poster P07-4).

34.            A. Dreischuh, L. Stoyanov, G. Maleshkov, M. Zhekova, I. Stefanov, S. Topuzoski, Lj. Janicijevic, P. Hansinger, G. G. Paulus, “Manipulating the topological charges of optical beams,” 10th Jubilee Conference of the Balkan Physical Union, Aug. 26-30, 2018, Sofia, Bulgaria (Oral Presentation).

35.            M. Zhekova, L. Stoyanov, I. Stefanov, and A. Dreischuh, “Bessel-like beam generation by manipulation of the topological charges of optical vortices” Humboldt Kolleg - Humboldtians and scientific progress in the Central and East European countries, November 16–18, 2017, Sofia, Bulgaria (Oral Presentation).

36.            L. Stoyanov, G. Maleshkov, I. Stefanov, A. Dreischuh, “Manipulation of the topological charges of vortices within large optical vortex lattices: Far-field beam reshaping,” VI International School and Conference on Photonics PHOTONICA 2017, 28 August - 1 September 2017, Belgrade, Serbia (Poster O.P.2).

37.            L. Stoyanov, I. Stefanov, N. Dimitrov, and A. Dreischuh “Arithmetics with topological charges of optical vortices nested in large vortex lattices,” IIIrd National congress on physical sciences Sept. 29 - Oct 02, 2016, Sofia, Bulgaria. (Poster P08).

38.            N. Dimitrov, P. Lazarova, L. Stoyanov, I. Stefanov, and A. Dreischuh “Dispersion control of femtosecond laser pulses in-and outside the laser cavity” IIIrd National congress on physical sciences Sept. 29 - Oct 02, 2016, Sofia, Bulgaria.

39.            L. Stoyanov, I. Stefanov, and A. Dreischuh “Diffraction of a square-shaped optical vortex lattice by a second vortex lattice,” XIX-th International School and Conference on Quantum Electronics "Laser Physics and Applications” (ISCQE 2016), Sept. 26-30, 2016, Sozopol, Bulgaria. (Poster PE1).

40.            N. Dimitrov, P. Lazarova, L. Stoyanov, I. Stefanov, and A. Dreischuh “Dispersion control in a folded 4-f system for shaping femtosecond laser pulses” XIX-th Internat. Conference and School on Quantum Electronics: Lasers and Applications, Sept. 26 – 30, 2016, Sozopol, Bulgaria.

41.            S. Topuzoski, Lj. Janicijevic, L. Stoyanov, I. Stefanov and A. Dreischuh
“Five-vortex spots patterns generated from azimuthally X-shaped beam”
Winter College on Extreme Non-linear Optics, Attosecond Science and High-field Physics", ICTP, Trieste, Italy (05-16.02.2016).

42.            S. Topuzoski, L. Janicijevic, D. Cojoc, L. Stoyanov, I. Stefanov, and A. Dreischuh “Optical vortex beams generated with diffractive optical elements” Internat. Workshop Advances in Nanophysics and Nanophotonics, Magurele-Bucharest (Romania), 31 August-2 September, 2015 (invited talk).

43.            L. Stoyanov, I. Stefanov, N. Dimitrov, and A. Dreischuh “Vortex necklace beams: Self-focusing and guiding properties in SBN crystal,” PHOTONICA 2015 – Vth International School and Conference on Photonics, August 24-28, 2015, Belgrade, Serbia. (Poster P.NO.20).

44.            L. Stoyanov, S. Topuzoski, G. Maleshkov, I. Stefanov, L. Janicijevic, A. Dreischuh, „Far-field diffraction of singular dark beams by computer-generated holograms with encoded optical vorticesXVIII-th Internat. School on Quantum Electronics:Lasers and Applications (ISQE 2014), Sept. 29 - Oct 03, 2014, Sozopol, Bulgaria. (Poster PE17).

45.            L. Stoyanov, S. Topuzoski, I. Stefanov, L. Janicijevic, A. Dreischuh, „Fraunhofer diffraction of an optical vortex beam by fork-shaped grating,” 23rd annual international Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS’14), July 14-18 2014, Sofia, Bulgaria. (Poster P1.8).

46.            L. Stoyanov, G. Maleshkov, I. Stefanov, A. Dreischuh, “Controllable self-focusing of bright laser beam with spatial phase singularities41-st National conference on Physics education combined with IInd national congress on physical science 25-29 November 2013, Sofia, Bulgaria. (Oral Presentation).

47.            L. Stoyanov, G. Maleshkov, I. Stefanov, A. Dreischuh, „Self-focusing of beams carrying spatial phase singularities,” Control of Quantum Dynamics of Atoms, Molecules and Ensembles by Light (CAMEL 9), June 16-21, 2013 Nesebar, Bulgaria (Oral Presentation).

48.            G. Maleshkov, L. Stojanov, I. Stefanov, A. Dreischuh, „Bright beam self-focusing initiated by singular dark beams,” XVII-th Internat. School on Quantum Electronics: Laser and Applications (ISQE 2012), Sept. 24-28 2012, Nesebar, Bulgaria. (Poster PE13).



1.               2023 - Return fellowship award granted by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation

2.               2020 - Sofia city Municipality award for the best young scientist in Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski" for 2020.

3.               2019 - Postdoc research scholarship at the Institute of Optics and Quantum Electronics, Faculty of Physics and Astronomy, Friedrich Schiller University granted by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation.

4.               Best Ph.D. Thesis for 2015 in Faculty of Physics, Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski", for the thesis entitled “Controllable generation and self-focusing of singular beams and characterization of ultrashort pulses”.