1. Project title: Modern Laboratory of femtosecond photonics
    With: National Science Fund (Bulgaria), ВУФ-02/2005 (ВУ-947/2005), 2005.
    Coordinator: Prof. Ivan Christov.
  2. Project title: Linear and nonlinear interactions of ultrashort laser pulses with sub-micrometer-sized structures
    With: National Science Fund (Bulgaria), ДО-02-114/2008, 2008.
    Coordinator: Prof. Ivan Christov.
  3. Project title: Laser system for amplifying femtosecond pulses
    With: National Science Fund (Bulgaria), ИРНИ-17/03.05.07, 2007.
    Coordinator: Assoc. Prof. N. Minkovski.
    With: Mulinational European Project funded within the 7-th FP of the European Community, 212105-EU, 2007.
    Coordinator: Prof. G. Mourou. Coordinator of the Bulgarian research team: Prof. Ivan Christov.
  5. Project title: Amélioration de la qualité des lasers femtoseconde utilisant la génération de polarisation croisée
    With: Bilateral Bulgarian-French project funded by Égide – France and by the National Science Fund (Bulgaria), Rila - 4/209, 2009.
    Coordinator: Assoc. Prof. N. Minkovski and Prof. O. Albert.
  6. Project title: “Second order cascaded nonlinear optical processes for all optical photonic devices,”
    With: Bilateral Bulgarian – Indian project funded by the governments of Republic of India and National Science Fund (Bulgaria), B-In-2/06, 2007.
    Coordinator: Assoc. Prof. N. Minkovski and Prof. P. Datta.
  7. Project title: Nonlinear dynamics of spatial phase dislocations in photorefractive media
    With: Sofia University Science Fund, 150/2007, 2007 г.
    Coordinator: Prof. Alexander Dreischuh
  8. Project title: Linear and nonlinear interactions of ultrashort laser pulses with sub-micrometer-sized structures
    With: National Science Fund, ДО-02-0114/2008, 2009.
    Coordinator: Prof. Ivan Christov.
  9. Project title: Laser-based structural and dynamic investigations of nanometer-sized objects
    With: National Science Fund, Development of the scientific infrastructure – 2009, РНФ02-15/2009 (RNF_09_0059/2009), 2009.
    Coordinator: Assoc. Prof. Ivan Stefanov
  10. Project title: Dark beams with phase singularities in self-focusing nonlinear media
    With: Sofia University Science Fund, 128/15.05.2009, 2009.
    Coordinator: Prof. Alexander Dreischuh
  11. Project title: Conference on Ultrafast and Nonlinear Optics’2009
    With: Sofia University Science Fund, 118/15.05.2009, 2009.
    Coordinator: Prof. Alexander Dreischuh
  12. Project title: Generation of high-quality ultrashort laser pulses: Measurement and elimination of pulse front tilt of ultrashort pulses
    With: Sofia University Science Fund, 080/08.04.2010, 2010
    Coordinator: Prof. Alexander Dreischuh
  13. Project title: Generation of femtosecond supercontinuum with optical vortices: Experiment and numerical simulations
    With: Sofia University Science Fund, 25/13.04.2011, 2011.
    Coordinator: Prof. Alexander Dreischuh
  14. Project title: Controlling the self-focusing of laser beams in photorefractive media by singular beams: Experiments and numerical simulations
    With: Sofia University Science Fund, 180/21.05.2013, 2013.
    Coordinator: Prof. Alexander Dreischuh
  15. Project title: Algebraic operations with topological charges of optical vortices: Experiments and comparison with the analytic theory
    With: Sofia University Science Fund, 178/12.05.2014, 2014.
    Coordinator: Prof. Alexander Dreischuh
  16. Project title: Linear and nonlinear femtosecond photonics
    With: National Science Fund, Competition for funding scientific investigations in priority areas - 2014, Т02-10/2014, 2014
    Coordinator: Prof. Alexander Dreischuh
  17. Project title: Far-field shaping and control of ordered structures of bright beams by using square lattices of optical vortices
    With: Sofia University Science Fund, 80-10-158/2019, 2019
    Coordinator: Prof. Alexander Dreischuh
  18. Project title: Generation of long-range non-diffracting zero-th and first-order Gauss-Bessel beams by erasing the topological charges of highly-charged optical vortices
    With: Sofia University Science Fund, 80-10-188/19.04.2019, 2019.
    Coordinator: Assoc. Prof. Ivan Stefanov
  19. Project title: Interferometric azimuthon autocorrelation for single-shot measurement of ultrashort (femtosecond) laser pulses
    With: National Science Fund, М18-4/2017, 2017
    Coordinator: Head Asst. Prof. Nikolay Dimitrov